This series captures unexpectedly wholesome interactions—moments of sweetness and softness in relationships where you wouldn’t normally expect them. These pieces are meant to surprise you, to highlight warmth in unlikely places, and to make you smile.


Fraternity men sitting around drinking beer aren’t typically described as ‘sweet’ or ‘wholesome.’ But in observing them, I realized that these male friendships are some of the simplest and most effortless bonds I’ve seen. This series explores unexpectedly wholesome relationships, and it all began with this piece—capturing the ease and strength of these friendships, even in a setting where ‘wholesome’ might seem like the last word you’d use.


This piece was inspired by my younger cousin showing me an 'owie' on her finger. I took a picture because her innocence in the moment was both funny and endearing, and every time I see it, it makes me smile. What makes this interaction shockingly wholesome is the contrast—without knowing the story, it just looks like a little girl flipping you off, but in reality, it’s a pure and unintentional display of trust, vulnerability, and childhood sincerity.

"Picture Rock"

Growing up, my brother and I fought all the time. No one would have described our relationship as wholesome—it was loud, chaotic, and full of constant arguments. But despite all of that, I always looked up to him. This piece captures a moment that, at first glance, might seem simple, but to me, it represents something unexpected: the quiet admiration that existed beneath all the fighting.

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